Skeena Valley Steel Challenge 2017 Skeena Valley Steel Challenge 2017 Five stages of five targets, five passes. Fastest four total, fast time wins. Cash prizes
Canadian Rangers Canadian Rangers will be using the entire range including club house for the period of 8 Nov. to 14 Nov. 2015 Issued on the authority of the executive.
Snow Snake Shoot Snow Snake Shoot. Man vs. Man double knockout challenge match. Five six inch plates and a popper to stop. First popper down with all five plates down wins. Automatic loss if any plate is still standing. Contact for details.
3 Gun shoot at Smithers We have a Three gun shoot coming up on Sept 27th. I wish i could say that we will have the stages mapped out and on the web but we are not that advanced yet. Maximum of 20 shooters and pre registration required. Check the web site for more details. Thanks Brian=Bulkley Valley Rod & Gun
Skeena Valley Steel Challenge Skeena Valley Steel Challenge. This is a 125 round speed match of five stages each shot five times and the worst time eliminated and the remaining totaled. Cash payment to shooters based on firearm division and number of participants. Match stages SV Steel